
What Are Polyoxymethylene (POM) Materials?

What are Polyoxymethylene (POM) materials?

Polyoxymethylene (POM), also known as polyacetal or acetal, is a high performance engineering thermoplastic with excellent mechanical properties. It is a crystalline polymer, belonging to the family of polyformaldehyde, characterized by high strength, stiffness, resistance to wear and fatigue.

Key Properties of POM Materials:

  1. High Strength: Polyoxymethylene has high tensile strength and stiffness for applications requiring load-bearing components.
  2. Low friction: POM has a low coefficient of friction, resulting in excellent wear resistance and self-lubricating properties.
  3. Chemical Resistance: POM is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including fuels, solvents and oils, making it suitable for a variety of industrial environments.
  4. Dimensional Stability: POM materials maintain their shape and dimensions over a wide temperature range, ensuring stability and reliability under varying operating conditions.
  5. Good machinability: POM is easily machined, fabricated and molded into complex shapes to produce precision parts with tight tolerances.
  6. Hydrolysis Resistance: POM has excellent hydrolysis resistance, making it suitable for applications exposed to moisture and water.

Applications of POM materials:

  1. Engineered Parts: Due to its high strength, stiffness and wear resistance, POM is widely used in the manufacture of engineered parts such as gears, bearings, bushings, rollers and fasteners.
  2. Automotive Parts: POM has good mechanical properties and chemical resistance and can be used to manufacture a wide range of automotive parts, including fuel systems, door handles, seat belt components and interior trim.
  3. Consumer Products: POM is used in consumer products such as zippers, buckles, handles and toys due to its durability, low friction and ease of processing.
  4. Electronic Components: With its electrical insulating properties and dimensional stability, polyformaldehyde is used for insulating parts, connectors and housings in electrical and electronic applications.
  5. Medical Devices: Biocompatible and resistant to sterilization, polyformaldehyde is used in medical devices and equipment such as surgical instruments, catheters and dental components.

Polyoxymethylene (POM) materials combine mechanical strength, chemical resistance and dimensional stability for a wide variety of industrial and consumer applications where reliability and performance are critical.

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